Continuous blasting machines are designed for blasting of plates profiles, longer welded parts and smaller parts put on the sieve. The parts are contiually transported on roller or belt conveyor. Blasting turbines are established for blasting of whole part surface. Main advantage -it is not needed base hole for machine, just flat floor. TZNP 4-7,5/1×0,6 TZNP 4-7,5/1,5×0,13 TZNP 4-7,5/1,5×0,6 1000mm 1500mm 1500mm 600mm 130mm 600m 4 4 4 7,5/12 kW 7,5/12 kW 7,5/12 kW 2900 2900 2900 52/70kW 52/70kW 52/70kW 6500 7500 7500 Standard equipment:
Our sales department will consult your qeustions, enquiries, orders. Vote one from possibilities.
Max. part width
Max. part height
load capacity of conveyor
Number of blasting turbines
Power of blasting turbine
Turbine revolutions
Total power (incl. filter)
Filter capacity